Friday, March 30, 2007

Take Two

To the frog pond and back..

Thought for the day: Measure twice, knit once.

We were so happily knitting along the Penny jacket that we neglected rule number one of knitting: measure.

Here is Penny on all four measuring:

As a result all of us ended up with a humongous bottom piece. Mine was 52" (as opposed to 42 intended).

To the frog pond we go.

This is what we got left:

And started back again. This time I measured and measured and measured.

Runty was a big help:

Take two is coming along nicely. I hope we can write a pattern for it. In the meantime I have a couple of finished objects to show. This is a vest I knitted for the husband. It is a take-off from the "beginner sweater" Penny teaches at the Yarn Barn except mine has three cables instead of one and no sleeves. (I am allergic to sleeves and yarn-over, but that is the subject for another post.) It fits Bill nicely. Too bad the weather is getting warm!

The yarn used in Noro Kureyon. Another Noro product is the "Sursa" shawl from the Jane Allison Naturally Noro book. Noro Silk Garden. The trim is Manos del Uruguay. This will go into the gift stash for Christmas.

And finally, here is my Clapotis hanging on the back of my chair at work. Lovely and soft Plymouth Royal Bamboo.

Here is a close-up:
That's all for now. Check back Monday to see what the "Mystery Square" turns out to be.
Happy knitting.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mystery square

What will it be?

This is an eight-inch square of plain ol' stockingnette knitted with Lana Grossa Baby Kid and Trendsetter Joy.

Stay tuned and check in next Monday to find out what you can do with it.

Monday, March 26, 2007

The Yarn Barn Jacket

Last summer Penny Sanford, the owner of my favorite LYS, the Yarn Barn in Burke, Virginia, designed and knitted this jacket:

Several of us, including the intrepid Phyllis , fell in love with it. Penny didn't write down the pattern so we dicided to reverse-engineer it.

Here is the yarn I picked out:

Nashua cotton, Clip and Trendsetters.

So far, so good:

This is a quick knit -- all garter stitches multi-directional triangles. The fun part is you decide as you go. Each one will be different, and individual. We are writing down all we do so that we will have a pattern available for those interested.

All the time Runty was supervising from his perch:

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

No it is NOT a beach umbrella

Honestly, this is not a beach umbrella.

This is my pinwheel sweater. I am knitting it in Noro Kureyon #52. It was a fun knit and was going pretty fast. Round and round I went until I got to the garter stitch edge with over 500 stitches each round! It then slowed down considerably. I will plod along though. I have no idea what it will look like or whether it will fit. I googled it and found an old knitalong in which everybody was happy with their sweater. No pattern error was posted. I decided to increase until I got 40 stitches for the armhole opening, though. At 4.5 stitches to the inch I found a 30-stitch armhole opening way too small. I took it off the needle a couple of time to lay it out and see what it looks like/how it has grown and so forth. So far so good. I like the pattern, the yarn and the color very much. Can't wait until I get to the I-cord edging/bind off!

Spring has finally come to Northern Virginia:

It's time to get out in the yard and plan the gardens. See you later.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

SSS -- S!

Second Sock Syndrome -- Solved!!

Need I say more? Let the picture speak for itself.

That's two socks on one circular needle, magic loop style. Thanks to an excellent tutorial from the Boy Who Knits, there will no longer be an orphan sock around my house.

Happy Two Socks Knitting!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Noro Fever!

There is a Noro virus raging around my knitting neighborhood. It started at my LYS, the Yarn Barn in Burke, Virginia.

The Noro yarn there has been flying out of the shop as fast as Penny can get it in. And we all are knitting as fast as we can.

Here is my latest acquisition of Noro yarn:

Kureyon, Silk Garden, Iro, Transitions and even a skein of Daria Multi.

What have I done with it? How many Noro projects can one have on the needles at the any one time?

Here is a jacket from the Nasua booklet that I am doing with Iro #70 instead. I like the pattern but not the Nashua Equinox yarn, so I altered the pattern and the guage to fit Iro. So far I have the back, front and sleeves done. I will now put the body together and start the hood.

It looks good on (or under) Runty, doesn't it? He just has to check out and put his marks on every knitted object!

This is another jacket from the Debbie Bliss Noro 2 book.

The pattern calls for Noro Shinano but I decided on Karabella Soft Tweed instead. It is very soft. The stars and the border designs are Noro Kureyon 170. I only have one ball of the Noro; the rest is on order so this one is put on hold for now.

I finished a multi-directional shrug (a Yarn Barn exclusive!) with Silk Garden held with Lana Grossa Baby Kid:

A sweater for the husband. Not Noro! This one was done all in Lana Grossa Royal Tweed. I love that yarn. I added the "design element" on the left sleeve as I discovered I did not have enough navy to finish the whole sleeve. It turned out wonderfully. Bill loves it.

Back to the Noro. Here is a vest I started for DH. This one in Kureyon. It has three cables down the front. Being a relatively new knitter I did not really how much cables pull the fabric in. I have had to recalculate and reknit several times befor I got the front and the back to be the same size.

Hmm, you can't see the cables very well in the picture, but they are three horseshoe cables with seed stitches in the middle.

An ongoing project -- this is the start of the Lizard Ridge afghan in Kureyon that will be a Christmas gift this year for my stepdaughter. I decided to knit in strips in stead of blocks and then will join the strips together. You don't get to play with rearranging the blocks, but it cuts down on binding off and seaming.

Twelve people at the Yarn Barn are knitting this. I have only got four blocks done so far, but this is not a race...

Looks like it is going to be a busy knitting year.

Last but not least, here is a very cute picture of Runty modeling a sweater I knitted for a friend's doggie:

Happy Knitting!