Friday, March 30, 2007

Take Two

To the frog pond and back..

Thought for the day: Measure twice, knit once.

We were so happily knitting along the Penny jacket that we neglected rule number one of knitting: measure.

Here is Penny on all four measuring:

As a result all of us ended up with a humongous bottom piece. Mine was 52" (as opposed to 42 intended).

To the frog pond we go.

This is what we got left:

And started back again. This time I measured and measured and measured.

Runty was a big help:

Take two is coming along nicely. I hope we can write a pattern for it. In the meantime I have a couple of finished objects to show. This is a vest I knitted for the husband. It is a take-off from the "beginner sweater" Penny teaches at the Yarn Barn except mine has three cables instead of one and no sleeves. (I am allergic to sleeves and yarn-over, but that is the subject for another post.) It fits Bill nicely. Too bad the weather is getting warm!

The yarn used in Noro Kureyon. Another Noro product is the "Sursa" shawl from the Jane Allison Naturally Noro book. Noro Silk Garden. The trim is Manos del Uruguay. This will go into the gift stash for Christmas.

And finally, here is my Clapotis hanging on the back of my chair at work. Lovely and soft Plymouth Royal Bamboo.

Here is a close-up:
That's all for now. Check back Monday to see what the "Mystery Square" turns out to be.
Happy knitting.

1 comment:

Phyl said...

Great projects!

I think your next project should have a few yos!