Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hemlock ring blanket

Actually, it's a hemlock blob now.

I was searching around for a project for my handspun yarn when I came across the Hemlock Ring Blanket by Brooklyn Tweed. I was never interested in knitting an afghan or a blanket before, but that pattern really caught my eye and I thought it would be perfect to try my handspun.

I cast on last night and couldn't stop.

It's a hemlock blob right now. I need a longer needle. This is being knitted on #8. Somewhere I have a pair with 40-inch cable. I also have to spin some more yarn. I only have about 400 yards spun up. The pattern calls for about 600 yards. In the meantime I need to finish the Central Park Hoodie. I already finished the front and back and am now on the sleeves.

I love the Blue Sky Cotton yarn. It knits up beautifully. Good thing we have a long weekend coming up. I should be able to finish that this weekend and work on spinning more yarn for the Hemlock Ring.
In the meantime I just have to go to work.
Too bad, but one must support one's yarn habit...

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