A tall order? Maybe not
Almost everybody does it. Almost nobody follows it through.
The New Year Resolutions, that is.
But I am not resolving to lose weight. Nor to eat right. Nor to exercise. I am already good with that. I am not going to stop buying yarn or fiber either.
We are talking spinning and knitting folks. All things woolly and wonderful.
Here are the goals:
Twelve pairs of socks;
Twelve handspun items: spun and knitted, at least one spindle-spun.
Spindle every day!
Finish 12 WIPs (works in progress), including at least one sweater on the needles for two years now. Shame on me!
Get rid of the yarn I no longer like or want. Sell it or give it away. Get in out of the house.
Tall order? Maybe, maybe not. We'll see. I am off on a good start though.
The first pair of socks are already in the bag. Actually given away.
BFF Ann's Pittsburgh Steelers socks. Well they may look more like bumblebees, but I finished them in time for the Steelers play-off. They lost, but that was not the point. So that's one pair of socks down, eleven to go.
I also have one handspun item in the bag too!
Icy Honeycomb Cowl, test-knitted for a fellow snobby spinner on Ravelry.
Not bad for a start, eh? And we are not even half way through January yet!
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