Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Runty's new toy

Of flowers, cat, and knitting

It's been so hot here in northern Virginia. I took a break from knitting and other chores and took stock of my garden.

When I planted this rose last year it was only about a foot tall. Now it is almost five feet tall, with abundant flowers and great fragrance. I used to think roses are difficult to grow. I must have lucked out.

Not much else in the garden. The peonies are pretty much gone. The hydrangeas are only budding and the lillies also have a while to go yet.

But my favorite flower of all are blooming.

Sweet William!

What about knitting?

Well, I finished Mary Lee's entrelac shawl.

I put it in the mail last week, so she should get it some time this week.
And of course Runty thinks it is his.

So I decided to make him a toy.

Here is the Huggable Hedgehog -- a Fibertrends pattern. Runty is checking him out on the kitchen floor.

It's approved!

Two local yarn stores had sales this weekend, but I only made it to one. (Augh!) As though I need more yarn....I got some any way. Mission Falls and Lamb's Pride superwash for Bill's sweater.

Back to work now. This is a short week. Yeah!

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