Monday, June 18, 2007

Stash reductions, garden and love

I found a neat way to reduce my stash!

No I don't mean knitting from stash, giving the yarn away or anything practical like that. I mean physically reducing the size of the stash to make more room for more yarn! The Yarn Barn is having a sale this week. Almost everything in the store is 25% off. Plenty of 50%-off stuff as well. Drop by if you are in the neighborhood.

This is how I reduce my stash:

Method I -- Space bag! Before:

With a little help from the vacuum cleaner:

Method II -- Food Saver to the rescue!

I have more room. Hint, hint...

Outside everything is flourishing. Front yard is beautiful.


And look!

I picked my first three Zucchinis this weekend. Things are looking good. No sign of any bugs, cross my fingers. The tomatoes, beans and cucumbers are also growing vigorously. I should have some cucumbers soon.

Once again I save the best for last.

To my sweet William:

Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart. I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! The picture is stunning.

I must go buy those needles now!