Nice, huh?
I need to get some knitting in, but wait, I need to show you the zucchini plants:
This is week 2:
Happy gardening.
I need to get some knitting in, but wait, I need to show you the zucchini plants:
This is week 2:
The original pattern is one that Penny uses in her beginner knitting class. Yes, at the Yarn Barn, you knit a sweater, with cable, in your beginner's class! I used the Rowan Summer Tweed, turned it into a sleeveless vest/shell, did it in stripes and changed the original horseshoe cable to braided cables. It was a quick knit.
And here is the finished product:
Lastly, the mailman delivered my Socks that Rock! that I wasn't able to get at the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival. The color way is Lunasea. I got three skeins of the medium weight. No I am not knitting three pairs of socks in the same colorway. This is going to be my first Charlotte's Web shawl.
The vegetable gardens are planted. Tomatoes, basil, hot peppers, and cucumbers are in. Bean seeds will go in next.
And of course zucchini.
This is going to be the most documented and blogged zucchini plant in northern Virginia.
In the meantime I dressed up my front door.
And placed the welcoming cat. I'd better get some knitting done. The truth is it is hard to stay inside when it's so lovely outside.
And then showed off our work!
We're getting there! Stay tuned for more pix of the blanket and the garden (the veggie gardens are in and planted! Yeah!! Tale of the zucchini later).
Happy knitting.
The dwarf Japanese maple went in out front and we will move the peonies once the blooms are finished.
The walls are done and the shady plants went in.
Here is the other side of the yard. This will be my English cottage garden with some cut flowers. Once the plants are established and fill out the space it will be gorgeous.
Then we attacked the back yard where the vegetable garden will be. Here is the "before" picture:
Omar forgot his saw so we were cutting the lumber with my hand saw. It worked, albeit slowly.
In the meantime I think I'll get more Sweet Williams.
Off to work and then to the Barn.
Happy gardening!
Phyllis was thinking really, really hard.
We finally decided on the placement of the blocks.
The four corners will be an angel, a star and two VT squares. Phyllis took the squares home to block and steam while I will crochet the edge onto the angel block to make her an eight-inch squares. We will get together this Friday to assemble the blocks. Leftover squares will be sent directly to Gina.
Then I tried to sew up a sweater, with some help from the green-eyed rascal named Runty. Why would you want to sew up my new blankie, he asked.
Here, Kitty, go play with my tape measure...
Naah... I'd rather snooze on silk...
Well, you guys have a happy knitting while I try to forcibly remove the beast!
Various shades of cranberry red. This is an experiment/practice yarn.
Spun and plied.
It is overspun. I should have streched it out while it was still wet to balance it out. I forgot about that part! Anyway, this is a practice skein and it didn't turn out too badly. I still have more of the same roving and hope to do better next time. I will save this for Runty's felted cat bed.
Speaking of Runty, the little (well, maybe not so little) guy was snoozing the whole time.
The old tired shrubs and the much-hated Roses of Sharon are gone. Yippee! I really like the meandering line. Lee Ann (my knitting buddy and landscape designer) is having low retaining walls built on the sloping side of the house to help hold the soil together. They are shaping out beautifully.
Now that the Yew is gone, the Rhododendron is getting more light. Maybe next year it will flower.
We put a temporary trellis for the Clematis since the old tree trunk on which it was climbing is now gone. We will figure out what to do with it later. And here are the plants waiting patiently: Astilbe, Columbine and Bleeding Hearts for the shady spots; Yarrow, Coreopsis, and Delphinium for the sunny side...
Okay. Back to work now. I am going to the Barn after work today. We will try to put together our first Hokie Healing Blanket. I have my camera so stay tuned for update tomorrow.
Happy spinning and gardening.
And of course happy knitting.
This is Cool Stuff in Mojave. The vest is a Michael Kors that I got on EBay for $9.99! It was brand new with a tag of $89.99 still attached!
That was only the finished projects during the past two weeks.
I got back to spinning some more and took the comprehensive spinning class at the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival last week. The three-day class was full of information and useful tips. Definitely worth the two-hour-each-way commute.
This is the infamous Capital Beltway from my dashboard: I decided to have to whole yard redone. Stay tuned for more on the work in progress reports. The work is being done by a knitting friend at the Yarn Barn who happens to be a landscape designer. Let me tell you, that Yarn Barn if shock full of resources! Knitting advice, nutrition and diet advice, gardening tips, home remedies, name it, the Yarn Barn's got it!
Last but not least, here are some Hokie squares we have done! We are moving right along and hope to have at least one Hokie Healing blanket from the Yarn Barn knitters.