And the monks in their dining room. We are going back in a couple of weeks for another ceremony for a friend's brother. I will make sure to take more pictures and write a more comprehensive blog about merit-making ceremony for a deceased loved one.
Monday was a federal holiday. It was warm but dreary. I stayed home. I finished the back of the Central Park Hoodie.
I am almost finished with one front now. This is a quicker knit than I expected. Good. I also got back to spinning again. Down to the basement and up with the roving. Here is the roving I bought at last year's Maryland Sheep and Wool festival. It is Blue Face Leicester.
I have plenty of roving so there should be enough for a shawl. I will spin some more and ply it. There is a biweekly spinning workshop at an LYS that I am going to on a regular basis now to get my interest going. So far so good. Spinning has a calming effect on me. I also tried my hand at washing fleece. I looked around the internet and found the Yarn Harlot's tutorial on washing fleece by hand, which I prefer to doing it by the washing machine. I have two bags of wonderfully soft cormo fleece (also bought at the MD Sheep and Wool last year). I tried washing a little bit last night and will ask at the spinning workshop today about carding. The ultimate goal would be to wash the fleece, card it, spin it and knit it into a garment. Some day. Soon.
In the meantime I'll keep knitting. Hey, I haven't cast on anything yet. Socks don't count.
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