Friday, August 28, 2009

Yes there is the Knitting Fairy

And she is smiling upon me. I hope.

Herald the Harald:

I am thrilled. This is the most beautiful sweater I have made.

And there will be no sweater curse.

Cascade 220 tweed in grey. Simply beautiful I must say.

And I believe the Knitting Fairy is smiling upon me when it comes to the Central Park Hoodie as well.

It is blocking! To measurement. I am holding my breath. I am also holding on to knitting the front until this dries completely and I take another look at it to be sure. I have hope.

In the meantime I worked a bit on the Rambling Rows afghan.

And the Girasole blob is growing, albeit slowly.

I am halfway on Chart D now.

And during all knitting frenzy Runty totally ignores me.

I couldn't care less, he seems to say. I am happy on the window sill here.

And as though I don't have enough projects going on I found a new addiction. Knitting small shawls with fingering yarn.

This is Gaia with Noro Kureyon sock yarn. Another birthday gift. A lot of people mention the "roughness" on the Noro sock yarn. I had that reservation as well when the Noro sock yarn first came out. I knitted a couple of pairs of socks with it and found that once the project is washed it softens considerably. I have no problems with the socks being rough at all. They are very comfortable. I am sure this shawl will be nice too once I washed and block it.

I need more knitting hours....

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